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Being Prepared When Your Rigid Borescope Malfunctions

Borescopes, flexible optical devices for inspecting the inside of industrial apparatus, are essential maintenance tools for a wide range of machines, from semi truck engines to large aircraft. While large corporations can afford to replace defective borescopes with no significant effect on their bottom line, if you are a small business or an independent maintenance contractor, you cannot afford to have your borescope be out of commission for long. Without it, you will be unable to examine hard to reach places inside machines, make diagnostic inspections and perform repairs.

It helps to be prepared when something goes wrong with your tool. You should also be aware of what kind of upgrades you can make to your device.

Find the Right Repair Tech

Chances are you do not want to waste time sending your borescope back to the manufacturer and waiting days or weeks to get the device examined and repaired. In addition, if the device is no longer under warranty, you may not be able to get it repaired by the manufacturer at a reasonable price.

Make sure that when you purchase your rigid borescope that you find a local repair technician who can fix your device on short notice and within a day or two. The professional should be able to fix any model regardless of manufacturer.

Some technicians will even evaluate your borescope for free and provide you with an estimate of repair costs. The less downtime you experience due to a broken borescope, the better.

Common Problems

If you use a rigid borescope for industrial applications, chances are that at some point some of the delicate parts of the precise instrument will malfunction. The thin, metal probe of a rigid borescope is great for viewing hard to reach areas of machines but may bend or break after prolonged use.

The eyepiece of the device may also malfunction preventing you from examining the inside of your industrial equipment properly. In addition, the light fiber that transmits images inside the borescope can suffer damage. The repair tech that you select should have ample experience fixing these parts and providing high-quality replacement parts.

In some cases, you may want to upgrade your rigid borescope. Aftermarket add-ons for the device include video monitors, USB cameras and optional light sources. Add-on light sources can be stationary boxes that you can set up at your work space or portable sources that you can take with you on offsite jobs.

Your repair technician can help you choose the right equipment for your model and install it for you.
